When you are involved in a car accident – especially when the accident was not your fault – your first thought may be claiming compensation for your injuries and losses from the other driver’s insurance company. Attorney Rand Spear wants people to know that while you are likely entitled to it, and the insurance company knows that, it may attempt to minimize or deny your claim.
Strategies Insurance Companies Use to Deny Claims
Here are some common tactics that insurance companies employ to try to limit their financial exposure on car accident claims that you need to be aware of in the event that you are in an accident.
Denying Fault
Liability or fault is the key element in insurance claims. When you are in an accident that is the other driver’s fault, the insurance company may attempt to deny that he or she was responsible. Or, at the very least, if it’s obvious that the other driver was at fault, the insurance provider may try to minimize his or her liability by saying that you were also at fault. Because of that, it is important to know what comparative negligence laws are for your state.
Delaying the Claim
Some insurers will try to stall or delay the processing of your claim in an attempt to get you to give up on it, despite the fact they have a responsibility to process the claim promptly. The insurance adjuster may make excuses like more requirements to fulfill, that there is an ongoing investigation, or there is a delay in confirming coverage. If this happens to you, you should contact your experienced car accident attorney to handle speaking with the insurance provider. That’s why you should contact an experienced personal injury lawyer so your rights are protected.
Claiming Lack of Evidence
Some insurance companies will resort to telling you that you haven’t provided enough proof to support your claim. That’s why one of the most important things you can do after a car accident is document every relevant piece of information about the car accident. Take photographs, file a police report, hang onto medical reports and bills, and document any lost wages from missing work.
Minimizing Your Injuries
In order to limit your amount of compensation, insurance companies may argue that your injuries are not as serious as you claim. They may hire a doctor or other medical professional to conduct an independent medical exam. This process may be a legitimate investigative part of some claims, but some hired experts might unfairly determine that your injuries are not as extensive as claimed or that you had excessive treatment.
Claiming You Had Pre-Existing Conditions
Another tactic that insurers may attempt is saying that the injuries you sustained in the accident were actually pre-existing medical conditions and were not caused by the accident. This strategy often makes victims stop pursuing their claim.

Avoiding Negative Insurance Company Tactics
For most people, the above tactics that some insurance providers employ may be difficult to recognize, especially if they have not been involved in a car accident previously. It’s always best to consult with an experienced car accident attorney, like Rand Spear, to make sure that you are not being taken advantage of by the insurance company and that you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries and property damage.
Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyer Rand Spear
(T): 215-985-2424
Follow Attorney Rand Spear on Facebook for more information.
Prior results cannot and do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future case. Recoveries always depend upon the facts and circumstances of each case, the injuries suffered, damages incurred, and the responsibility of those involved. This article is not to be considered advise, only the execution of the contingency agreement with this law firm will constitute an attorney-client relationship. The contents of this article are for general information only. If you would like to pursue a claim, please contact an attorney immediately to discuss your specific facts and circumstances regarding your claim. Some cases accepted by this law firm may be referred to or worked on by other lawyers, depending on the area of practice and specifics of a particular case.
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