There are many individuals who sometimes need some extra help when they reach an older age that cannot be provided by their loved ones. When this happens, they may need to stay in a nursing home to be properly taken care of. In these establishments, patients are supposed to live a safe and healthy life. While this is usually the case, there are some nursing homes that are negligent in providing patients with the rightful standard of care, causing them serious harm.
When people place their loved one in a nursing home, they trust and expect the staff will take care of them. It can be a person’s worst nightmare to realize their loved one is harmed by negligence. It is because of this that it is important to pay attention to your loved one to notice any signs of neglect or abuse. In the event that you do, it is best to retain the services of an experienced Pennsylvania personal injury attorney.
What are Signs of Negligence or Abuse?
There are many different types of neglect or abuse that can take place in a nursing home. Therefore, there are various signs that people should look out for when they have a loved one living in a home. This can include malnourishment, cuts, bruises, broken bones, infections, and much more. While this is true, it is critical to be aware that neglect and abuse does not always show physical signs. A person in a nursing home can experience verbal abuse, harassment, sexual abuse, stolen possessions, etc. It is important to stay alert and be on the lookout for signs of all these things.
How Can I Report Nursing Home Abuse?
When a loved one suspects abuse or neglect in nursing homes, there are ways to seek justice. In 1997, the Older Adults Protective Services Act was amended to report these matters. Under this act, administrators and employees of a nursing home are required to report any abuse they suspect is taking place in the home. These reports can be made to the local Area Agency on Aging and licensed agencies. In the event of sexual abuse, serious physical injuries, or a suspicious death, reports can be made to the Department of Aging as well as local law enforcement. If a loved one of the nursing home patient suspects abuse or neglect, they should retain the services of an experienced attorney who can assist them in gathering evidence to build a case for negligence against the home.
Contact our Firm
If you or a loved one has been in a personal injury accident in Pennsylvania, it’s important that you contact an experienced Philadelphia personal injury attorney to help you with your case and to make sure that you are not taken advantage of. Contact Spear Greenfield to get the right attorney in your corner.
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