Knowing what cities in Pennsylvania have the worst drivers can help you be more aware when driving in these areas. In this guide, we will cover which cities have the highest percentage of car accidents and what factors affect individuals’ driving abilities.
Overview of Accidents in Pennsylvania
According to statistics supplied by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDot), 104,475 reported crashes occurred in the state in 2020. These figures break down to 286 wrecks per day and 12 per hour. Additionally, there was an average of one accident-related fatality every 8 hours.
When trying to determine which cities or regions have the worst drivers in Pennsylvania, it is helpful to see where the accidents are happening. The most heavily populated counties in the state are Philadelphia and Allegheny, which contain the two largest cities — Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, respectively. Together, these counties comprise approximately 22% of the state’s population.
PennDot statistics from 2020 indicate that most reported accidents occurred in these two counties — 9.7% in Philadelphia and 9.4% in Allegheny — and the highest number of fatal accidents, with 14.7% and 5.3% respectively.
Interestingly, while these counties account for 22% of Pennsylvania’s population and 19.1% of the total accidents, they contain only 8.7% of the state’s local roads and streets. The congested roadways in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh undoubtedly contribute to the higher accident totals.
According to a WalletHub study, Philadelphia is one of the worst driving cities in both Pennsylvania and the entire nation, based on its ranking of 97 out of 100 major U.S cities. The study evaluated the cities on factors such as traffic and infrastructure, safety, and vehicle maintenance costs.

Most Dangerous Drivers
While most drivers practice safe driving habits and obey the road rules, there are several types of individuals who engage in careless or reckless behavior. These groups include:
Drunk Drivers
Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other substances continues to be a significant issue in Pennsylvania and across the U.S. The good news is that the number of alcohol-related crashes is decreasing in many areas. There were 7,700 alcohol-related crashes in PA in 2020 compared to 9,380 the previous year. Drinking-related fatalities also dropped slightly from 299 to 293. However, this group still causes many fatalities.
Virtually everyone owns a smartphone these days and people take these devices with them wherever they go. Many drivers, especially teens, cannot resist the temptation of sending a text or responding to the chime of an incoming message. Even a split-second distraction when taking your eyes off the road to check the device can have devastating consequences.
Aggressive Drivers
Road rage, tailgating and reckless speeding are dangerous practices that can lead to accidents and violent confrontations between drivers. These situations can happen anywhere, but they’re more likely to occur in congested areas with multiple vehicles vying for space on the roadways.
Inexperienced drivers are more likely to cause accidents because they don’t always know how to react to dangerous conditions or adhere to the laws. Using intoxicants and texting while driving also contribute to accidents with younger drivers.
Staying Safe on the Road
You can help make the roads safer for everyone, even when dealing with the worst drivers in PA, by implementing these tips:
- Wear your seat belt.
- Keep a safe distance between you and other vehicles.
- Turn your phone off until you reach your destination.
- Don’t get behind the wheel after having a few drinks.
- Be patient with less courteous drivers.
- Stick to the posted speed limit.
- Maintain your vehicle.
- Use headlights and turn signals.
- Adjust your driving to the road conditions.

Find Skilled Legal Representation for Accident-Related Injuries
Accidents can happen in the worst driving cities in Pennsylvania or anywhere else. Spear Greenfield Personal Injury Attorneys can help you pursue the financial compensation you may be entitled to due to injuries caused by a negligent driver. Contact us to schedule a free initial consultation today.
Call or text (215) 985-2424 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form