The dark morning commute can make daylight savings time dangerous for drivers says Philadelphia car accident lawyer Rand Spear.
Daylight savings time means many of us are driving to work in the dark. If you add to this the fact many of us are in a rush to get to work, may not be getting enough sleep and are distracted behind the wheel, it’s a dangerous time to be on the road says Philadelphia car accident lawyer Rand Spear.
Driving in low, changing light can be dangerous for any driver, but can be especially challenging for older drivers due to changes in vision, according to AARP. They have the following suggestions for driving at dawn, dusk and in the dark.
Make sure your exterior lights are working.

Make sure all your lights (headlights, taillights, brake lights and signals) are working properly and are clear of ice or snow. Next time you have your car inspected ask if your headlights are aimed correctly and adjust them if they’re not. Fully functional lights will help you see other vehicles and make it easier for other vehicles to see you.
Use your headlights the correct way.
You should use your headlights all day, including dusk and dawn. Some vehicles automatically have them on when the vehicle is operating. Only use high beams when there’s no oncoming traffic and when it’s necessary, such as if there are no street lights. If you live in a more rural area using your high beams can make the road appear more clearly and you may be able to better see pedestrians and animals off to the side of the road.
Be aware of vision changes.
As we age it’s common for vision changes to impact our ability to see well in low light, such as during at dusk and dawn. An older driver may need more light to see properly and limited lighting conditions can affect depth perception, color perception, contrast sensitivity and peripheral vision.
Avoid unnecessary dangers.

Driver fatigue is far more likely when driving at dusk, dawn or night. Before leaving in the morning get enough sleep. Don’t underestimate the value of sleep. It’s a necessity, not a luxury. Not only will you feel better throughout the day if you’re well rested but you’re less likely to get into an accident.

Don’t drive while distracted. Don’t check your emails, text co-workers, check and respond to voice mails, eat breakfast, put on makeup or use your morning drive as the time to use your electric razor. Morning traffic jams on highways leading into Philadelphia are practically guaranteed. You may be tempted to multi-task while traffic creeps ahead. Stay focused on driving no matter how fast or slow you are going.
As the year progresses the sun rises earlier so your morning commute should be better lit and safer. You just need to get through these dark, spring mornings and drive safely to lower the risks of an accident.
If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, contact an experienced motor vehicle accident lawyer right away. Your lawyer can answer your questions and help you determine the next steps in your case.
Call Philadelphia car accident lawyer Rand Spear today at 877-GET-RAND today to discuss your case with a knowledgeable vehicle accident attorney.
Call or text (215) 985-2424 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form