Slipping and falling can have many causes and injuries can be severe says Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer Rand Spear
If you haven’t had a serious injury from a slip and fall you may think a fall might only cause embarrassment and a bruise. Those who have been injured in a fall understand this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer Rand Spear warns that as the weather turns colder the risk of a dangerous slip and fall increases.
Injuries due to slipping and falling affect millions of Americans, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
- 20% of falls cause a serious injury such as broken bones or a head injury.
- 8 million older Americans are treated in emergency departments for fall injuries annually.
- More than 800,000 people are hospitalized each year because of a fall injury, most often a head injury or hip fracture.
- Falls cause the most traumatic brain injuries.
- Adjusted for inflation the direct medical costs to treat fall injuries are $31 billion each year, with two-thirds of the amount due to treatment by hospitals.
There are some conditions that make falling more likely, according to the CDC,
- Lower body weakness.
- Vitamin D deficiency.
- Difficulty walking and with balance.
- Medications including tranquilizers, sedatives, antidepressants and some over-the-counter medicines can affect balance and steadiness.
- Vision problems.
- Foot pain or poor footwear.
- Hazards such as: broken or uneven steps, rugs or clutter that may cause a trip and lack of handrails.
Slips, trips and falls cause 15% of all accidental deaths, second only to automobile fatalities. They are the leading cause of accidents on their campus, making up 30% of all reported accidents.
A slip is caused when there is too little friction or traction between your feet and the walking surface. The most common causes are wet surfaces, ice or other weather hazards, spills and poor tread on footwear, adds Rand Spear the accident lawyer. Ways to preventive slips include:
- If walking on wet surfaces shorten your stride with your feet pointed out slightly and make wider turns.
- Spills and wet floors should be cleaned up immediately.
- Snow and ice should be removed from public walkways.
- Walk slower on ice or snow so you can react to traction changes.
- Dry off wet shoes as soon as practical after entering a building because wet shoes on dry floors are as hazardous as dry shoes on wet floors.
- Wearing sunglasses on sunny winter days can help you see slippery areas.
- Replace shoes or sneakers with poor tread.
Trips often happen after your foot strikes an object and your momentum throws you off balance. To minimize that risk,
- Don’t carry packages that obstruct your view.
- Clear fogged eye glasses.
- Use established, clear walkways.
- Close desk and file drawers if not in use.
- If you’re in a public or retail area report uneven or broken pavement, sidewalks, handrails and burned out or missing lighting.

If you or a loved one has been injured because of a slip and fall, contact an experienced Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer right away. Your lawyer can answer your questions and help you determine the next steps in your case.
Call Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer Rand Spear today at 888-373-4LAW today to discuss your case with a knowledgeable slip and fall attorney.
Call or text (215) 985-2424 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form