When you think about a motor vehicle accident, it’s likely that the first thing to come to mind is a collision involving two or more cars. However, there are also a number of other types of motor vehicle accidents that occur in high numbers across the state of Pennsylvania. Let’s take a look at some of them.
Most Common Types of Motor Vehicle Accidents in PA
Car Accidents
Every year, nearly 2.4 million people are injured in car accidents across the U.S., and tragically, about 35,000 die of the injuries they sustain in those accidents, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. Many of those accidents could be prevented as they occur due to driver negligence. Additionally, many people in the country are injured due to vehicle manufacturing defects – for example, airbags that don’t operate properly, malfunctioning seat belts, or car roofs that fail to withstand a rollover – that exacerbate injuries when accidents happen. Whether you are the driver or a passenger, if you are injured in a car accident, it is in your best interest to speak with a car accident attorney for a case review.
Motorcycle Accidents
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that victims of motorcycle accidents are 35 times more likely to die from their injuries than those who are in car accidents. Although motorcycle drivers are often blamed for speeding and reckless driving, accidents involving motorcycles are frequently the fault of other drivers. Drivers of passenger cars sometimes don’t look thoroughly enough before changing lanes on a highway, don’t allow enough space for motorcycles, or don’t come to a full stop at intersections – all of which can be deadly situations for motorcyclists.
Bus Accidents
Accidents that occur with busses involved are unique and require special handling – they are different than all other types of motor vehicle accidents. When a bus collides with a car, motorcycle, bicycle, or pedestrian, the results will be similar, and always tragic for the smaller vehicle or person. What makes bus accidents different is the fact that there may be fifty or more passengers who are not wearing seat belts. These passengers may fly about the bus interior, hitting each other, personal belongings, and the bus’s walls and seats as a result of the accident. There can be serious, even fatal, injuries for bus passengers even though they are in the larger vehicle.
Bicycle Accidents
Accidents involving a bicycle typically involve serious injuries and long recoveries for the bicyclist. Drivers sometimes fail to yield the right of way to bicyclists, don’t notice the bicyclist, or are driving distracted.
Pedestrian Accidents
The number of pedestrian accident deaths is on the rise. The National Traffic Safety Administration reported that nearly 6,000 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes in 2016 – an increase for the tenth consecutive year. Injuries to pedestrians in car crashes are usually severe and many times fatal. If you are a pedestrian who was injured by a car accident, or you have lost a loved one who was, it is likely that one of the drivers involved was at fault.
Truck Accidents
Accidents that involve 18-wheelers, tractor trailers, commercial trucks, semi-trucks, or other big trucks are often more complicated because they typically involve more extensive injuries and property damages than other types of motor vehicle accidents. Because of some of the complexities of making recoveries from those who are responsible for big truck accidents, seeking legal help from a truck accident attorney is usually necessary, and always in your best interest.
Mass Transit Accidents
Pennsylvania has a public transportation network that makes it easy for residents and visitors to get around the city – it’s a convenience that many people appreciate. However, when there is an accident that involves mass transit, it can be a chaotic situation with many serious injuries. Because of the number of passengers involved, it is easy for those who are injured to become lost in the crowd or to be overlooked.

Car Accident Attorney Rand Spear Can Help
If you or a loved one has been in any type of motor vehicle accident in Pennsylvania, it’s important that you contact an experienced car accident lawyer to help you with your case and to make sure that you are not taken advantage of by insurance companies. Contact attorney Rand Spear at 215-985-2424 to get the right attorney in your corner.
Media Contact:
Philadelphia Car Accident Attorney Rand Spear
(T): 215-985-2424
Prior results cannot and do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future case. Recoveries always depend upon the facts and circumstances of each case, the injuries suffered, damages incurred, and the responsibility of those involved. This article is not to be considered advise, only the execution of the contingency agreement with this law firm will constitute an attorney-client relationship. The contents of this article are for general information only. If you would like to pursue a claim, please contact an attorney immediately to discuss your specific facts and circumstances regarding your claim. Some cases accepted by this law firm may be referred to or worked on by other lawyers, depending on the area of practice and specifics of a particular case.
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