You have significant injuries someone else caused. Seeking the legal support and guidance of a Philadelphia personal injury lawyer is critical. With the help of our legal team at Rand Spear—The Accident Lawyer—we can help you navigate the claims process, pursue aggressive recovery of your losses, and go to court when necessary.
What Should You Ask an Attorney Before Hiring Them?
At Rand Spear, we want to provide you with the legal representation and support you need. We also want to ensure you have an attorney you trust and feel confident in through one of the most challenging experiences of your life. To do that, you absolutely need to speak to the attorney about your case and ask some pointed questions.
When you leave a first consultation of any type, you should have answers to most of your questions. You should also have a good understanding of who this attorney is and why you should (or should not) trust them with your case. You also need to have the confidence to know what your next legal step is.
To make these decisions, we encourage you to ask every question you have. There are no wrong questions – most of our clients have never gone through this before and need support as they navigate the process. The following are some of the most important questions you need answers to before moving forward.

1. Will You Be the Attorney to Help Me?
Often, when you set up a consultation with a law firm, you may be speaking with an assistant or an individual who is able to provide details and gather information from you. Before you hire the attorney or firm, ensure you have met with and like the actual attorney who will help you through your case. You need to have met, developed a bond, and become comfortable with this attorney.
2. What Does It Cost to Hire You as My Attorney?
Ask your attorney specifically what charges you can expect based on the type of accident, the fines and fees involved, and the attorney costs. Most of the time, you will be able to pay nothing upfront, but you will pay an attorney fee out of the compensation you receive. Ensure the attorney provides you with clarity on how much that will be specifically.

3. Do I Have a Case?
This is often one of the most common questions, and there is real value in asking it. When you do, we can help you see all of the potential opportunities and losses in your case. This allows you to start thinking about what to expect and what it will take to win your case with the development of additional information and guidance.

4. Have You Helped People with My Exact Injuries in the Past?
While many injuries can occur in a personal injury case, you want to be sure the attorney you hire has very specific experience with these injuries, how they impact your health, and why they occur. This knowledge of the human body helps to differentiate one personal attorney from the next. You want an attorney who can take your information and determine how the injury will impact you for years to come.
5. Do You Have Experience with My Specific Type of Accident?
Not all car accidents, truck accidents, medical malpractice cases, and workplace injuries are the same. When speaking to an injury attorney, it is critical that they have helped others facing the same type of accidents you have. This can make a big difference in the attorney’s ability to protect your rights to compensation fully.
6. Will My Case Need to Go to Trial?
While it is not always easy to know the answer to this, your personal injury attorney should be able to tell you what they expect. They should also be able to provide you with insight into how they plan to avoid this by providing evidence and a clear claim that is hard for insurance companies to deny. At the same time, you want an attorney who is willing to go to court to pursue compensation for you when that is necessary.
7. What Is My Case Worth?
As you learn more about your case, it is natural to want to know how much compensation you may be able to recover from the incident. Keep in mind that your attorney needs time to research and truly understand your losses and how it impacts you. However, most attorneys should be able to provide some direction on what your case is worth so you can seek out fair compensation and claims.
8. Where Are the Weaknesses in My Case?
Get this question answered right away because you want to know what obstacles, if any, could slow you down from getting the information and guidance you need to obtain fair compensation. Without a doubt, your attorney should be looking for ways to strengthen your case, and using this question helps you to learn where they see risks. Then, ask them how you can fix that problem.
9. How Long Will It Take to File a Claim?
You can file a claim for the losses you have, but allowing an attorney to do so can alleviate many of the risks you have of denial. It also allows an attorney to help speed up the process by staying on top of the insurance company. Ask what they expect to occur in this case.
10. Do You Have Time to Help Me with My Case?
It could be difficult to schedule the time you deserve with a very busy attorney. An attorney without a client base can indicate a lack of experience. You want an attorney who has the time to dedicate to your case.
Let Rand Spear – The Accident Lawyer Fight for Your Case
When you meet with us, you will learn how Rand Spear works to support our clients. Call us now for a free consultation. Learn what we can do to help you now.
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